Bachovski: We invest in modernization of processing capacities with the support of IPARD Programme funds

The Director of the Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Nikica Bachovski has paid a visit today to the company Extra Fungi in the municipality of Cheshinovo Obleshevo.
The company began operating in 1988 as a family business by the family Antonovski.
Under the Public Call 02/19, Measure 3 - Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products, the company Extra Fungi have applied with adequate investment project that was approved, thereby enabling the company to implement the investment.
For the needs of the processing phase, the company has purchased machines and lines for processing the purchased raw material and has installed photovoltaic power plant for electricity production for their own needs.
This investment is with a total value of 24.4 million denars, out of which of which 11.7 are co -funded by AFSARD through the IPARD program, which represents the total cost of 50%.
“Every new or modernized processing capacity is an added value to the Macedonian economy. The investments in modern equipment improve the technological process of the companies and support making products that are competitive in both domestic and foreign markets. In addition to the long tradition of the mushroom business, our hosts today offer a wide range of frozen fruits such as rosehip, blueberry, blackberry, aronia, melons, plums and strawberries. The biggest benefit of such success stories is that it the investment is located in a rural environment that creates jobs for the locals” - said the Director Bachovski.
Under the IPARD 2 Programme 2017-2021 until present were supported more than 2300 projects with financial support from the European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development of 60 million euros.