Bachovski: The support of the young farmers is one of the main pillars of the Government Program for Financial Support in Rural Development.

The Director of the Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Nikica Bachovski together with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management today have visited a family farm in the village of Vinicka Krshla.
This young farmer has received financial support from the AFSARD through the Measures for purchase of breeding stock and the Measure for stimulation of the agricultural production, and with the financial support, the farmer imported cattle of the Simmental breed and has purchased equipment for fodder processing and equipment for the hygienic storage of the produced milk.
"Through the measure for the purchase of breeding stock, our host today purchased 12 heifers of the Simmental breed, for which he received AFSARD has provided financial support in the amount of 811 thousand denars, by which we co-financed the total costs with a participation of 55%. Furthermore, through Measure 113, the farmer has purchased a mixer for straw and hay processing, a fodder line with a mixer and a milk freezer. For this investment, AFSARD has awarded a grant in the amount of 534 thousand denars, 100% funding by AFSARD " - indicated the director Bachovski
Through the Program for Financial Support in Rural Development are supported investments for young farmers, rural women, investments in irrigation systems, establishment of new plants as well as investments in agricultural machinery.