The Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and Rural Development informs the apple producers that the submission of applications for additional direct payments for produced and delivered apples from the 2022 harvest is underway.
Beneficiaries under this measure are agricultural holdings that have received subsidies for maintenance of apple plantations for 2022 and have handed over the harvest to the registered buyer or processor in the period from September 15, 2022 to May 15, 2023.
In addition to the application should be submitted certificate issued by a registered purchaser or processor. The certificate is published on the website of the Agency.
The agricultural holding shall submit the applications in the electronic system of the Agency, and if they are of need of an assistance, they can turn to the regional units in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy.
The link to access the application is: - Direct payments e-subsidies.
By opening this link, in the "Announcements/instructions" field are available the detailed instructions for submitting the applications, the List of required documents, as well as the Program and the Decree for Direct Payments, which elaborate the conditions and the amount of financial support in detail.