The Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development is a responsible institution for the full, timely and accurate implementation of the Programs for Financial Support of the Agriculture and Rural Development, through an established, efficient, effective and economical control and management system. In the context of the established mission, the management establishes the strategic goals and priorities.
By fulfilling the standards and applying the quality management system - ISO 9001:2015 in the operation were created conditions for improving the management of processes and human resources management, as well as increasing the productivity of the operation, which ensures a modern environment in which the final beneficiaries in a simplified and easier manner can exercise the rights for allocation of financial support in the field of agriculture and rural development. We have created a new climate in the operation of the state sector, which implies quality and transparent operation and accountability for the results.
In the exercise of its competences, the Agency undertakes to cultivate an open and responsible approach to the Final Beneficiaries: agricultural holdings and other legal and natural persons, international partners, public enterprises, state institutions, employees and the entire social community.
For this purpose, the Agency provides an effective quality management system, oriented towards:
- implementation of the measures for direct payments in the agriculture through constant allocation of financial support to the agricultural holdings;
- implementation of the rural development measures;
- implementation of fisheries and aquaculture measures;
- implementation of state aid measures in agriculture;
- increasing the quality of services to the Final Beneficiaries as well as increasing their satisfaction by fulfilling their requirements and expectations;
- enabling financial assistance for rural development in rural areas in the Republic of North Macedonia, and thereby improving the living standards of the population in those areas and development of the municipalities;
- improvement of the living conditions in rural areas and the rural economy;
- constant improvement of the employees' knowledge and skills through trainings and workshops;
- fulfillment of the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001:2015;
- understanding the context of the institution, internal and external as well as the perceptions of stakeholders;
- thinking based on risks and opportunities;
- constant improvement of the quality management system;
- constant information to the public through the media and through the website of the Agency:

Certificate of the quality management system according to the standard МКС EN ISO 9001:2015